Human teeth need human professionals.

The Canadian Association of Orthodontists is the national organization and official voice for registered Orthodontic specialists – dedicated to the promotion of the highest standards of excellence in Orthodontic education and quality Orthodontic care. 2019 marks the third anniversary of our partnership with the CAO and our third national campaign for the association.

Traditional Orthodontics is under continued pressure from Direct-to-Consumer providers. Apps, online providers and retail storefronts are aggressively targeting the CAO’s base with low-cost, aesthetic solutions. And while these competitors are making the most noise in the category, clear aligners still only account for 15% of the market – which is expected to reach $2.6 billion by 2023 (according to Allied Market Research).

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Our research made one thing clear: the cheap solutions and fast results offered by Direct-to-Consumer providers can’t compete with the human professionals of the CAO – in other words, human teeth need human professionals.

To illustrate our point, we developed the Ortho-Bot 5000, an animated stand in for Direct-to-Consumer solutions. The Ortho-Bot 5000 is friendly enough, and he certainly looks the part, but as the messaging highlights, there’s really no substitute for the care of a well-trained human professional.

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