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Industry Insights

Ageism vs. Experience. A Different POV on Advertising’s Obsession with Youth.

I also want to acknowledge that I’m not disputing that ageism occurs. I’m 100% sure it does. That being said, the agency business, like every other business is driven, above all, by profit. Money. We all need it to survive, grow and thrive. If you can help drive the bottom…


Blackjet, Industry Insights

A Mother’s Day Ego Check


Industry Insights

The Comfortable Numbness of WFH

As a founder and CEO, for 15 years, I embraced ‘Hustle Culture’. Priding myself on being the first one in and the last to leave. Rightly or wrongly, ‘Busy-ness’ was a badge of honor. Always looking to demonstrate to the team what it took to be successful. It didn’t come…